Sunday, September 7, 2008

Beautiful Tunkhannock

Sunset from the tree house. With the west field cleared, we can see the sunsets beautifully. The tree house has a wonderful view over the property.

Darwin has turned into a complete farm dog. He lies around in the sun or the shade, rides in the jump seat of the pickup, plays frisbee and stick and goes with us to visit the Sands (and their five dogs). Markus went riding with a woman who is a dog groomer and breeder who washed, dried, and combed Darwin, along with cutting his toenails and cleaning his ears and teeth. He was the most spiffed up he's been in a long time.

While we're traveling in Quebec and New York, Darwin and Snoopy are in Tunkhannock. Markus reported that Darwin now rides in the front seat of the pick up and that he's doing fine.

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