Sunday, September 7, 2008

Laundry in Tunkhannock

Laundry in Tunkhannock is primitive and in reality, in name only. The washing machine has been installed on a corner of the porch (see first photo) for several years and there is only cold water. In addition the critters chewed through all the hoses and electrical wiring rendering the machine completely useless until Markus rewired it. Last year it worked with cold water and a full set of cycles. This year there is only a wash cycle (no rinse, no spin). Thus, you put the wash in with soap and then run the wash cycle again without soap. However, clothes (particularly dark blue shirts) come out with strange splotches of excess soap film. In addition, since our clothes are really dirty, the dirt gets redistributed onto other clothes. However, this is all there is.

There is a long clothes line (ala Quebec) on which to hang clothes and Arlene figured out how to put in the device that holds the bottom line up closer to the top line when you have a lot of heavy clothes to hang. When it rains (or is overcast and misty) the hammock serves as the clothese line. In this photo there are a lot of gloves hanging to dry as they had gotten sooty from the last field burn of the season.

Once the basement is finished there will be a laundry room with a real washer.
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